Sexual selection - genes that have reproductive success passed on
Anisogamy - M = sperm produced high quantities,, less choosy / F = eggs finite quantity, selective
Leads to 2 mating strategies:
Intersexual selection: Females select the 'attractive' males so they determine features passed on e.g. runaway process/ sexy son's hypothesis
Intrasexual selection: Males compete with each other to 'win' as they seek quantity, aggression & larger body passed on. Results in physical dimorphism.
+ Clarke & Hatfield: 75% men / 0% women accepted sexual request
+ Buss: Questionnaire, 10k ppts in 33 countries, men value youth & women resources
- Lack of temporal validity of research
- Socially sensitive for men and women​
Filter theory
Kerckhoff & Davis (1962) Field of availables (everyone) and desirables (after three filters)
1. Social demography - factors which influence chance of meeting
2. Similarity in attitudes - important <18 months. Promotes better self disclosure. Byrne (1997) Law of attraction. Similar attitudes = more attraction.
3. Complementarity - can meet each others needs where one has traits the other lacks.
+ Research evidence. Similarity of attitudes <18 months & complementarity after.
- Markey (2013) lesbian couples more satisfied when equally dominant (not complementarity)
- Perceived similarity is more impt
- Outdated with social media
Rusbult's Investment Model
Development of SET
Commitment is more important than satisfaction
Commitment depends on:
Satisfaction: Rewards - costs
Comparison with alternatives
Investment is the most important factor to affect commitment (intrinsic and extrinsic)
+ Supported by a meta-analysis
+ Can explain why people stay in abusive relationships
- You can be very committed without much investment
- Methodology - social desirability bias
Levels of parasocial relationships:
Entertainment-social: gossip
Intense personal: obsessive thoughts
Borderline-pathological: extreme
Measured by Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS)
Absorption addiction model: Escape from reality, absorb in something they lack, need higher doses
Attachment theory
Bowlby: early difficulties lead to later problems
Ainsworth attachment styles
Insecure-resistant: want a relationship with no risk of rejection
Insecure-avoidant: avoid all relationships
+ Supportive evidence attachment (McCutheon, 2016)
+ Universal finding cross culturally
- Self report methodology
+ Real life application: identify young females with body issues
Self-disclosure is gradually revealing intimate info
It needs to be appropriate
Social Penetration Theory (Altman & Taylor, 1973) SD is limited at the start, build trust & reciprocate
Leads to deeper penetration
Analogy of an onion: Breadth & depth is narrow to begin then widens / deepens
Reis & Shaver - need for reciprocity
+ Correlational research between SD & satisfaction
+ Real world app - Haas & Stafford found that 57% use SD to improve communication - couples therapy
- Tang: Cultural differences - individualistic SD more
- SD is high at end of relationship but does not increase satisfaction​
Social Exchange
Thibault & Kelley (1959) economic theory. Profit = satisfaction.
Minimax principle: Minimum costs (inc. opportunity costs) v maximum rewards.
Comparison level (for profit) - how much do I deserve? (personal experience & society)
CLalt - compare to alternatives
4 stages; sampling, bargaining, commitment & institutionalisation
+ Supportive evidence (Kurdeck) -minimax and CL found in hetero and homosexual relationships
- Hard to operationalise costs and benefits - vary for individuals
- Correlational: does dissatisfaction come first or after?
- Do humans make rational decisions in relationships?
Relationship Breakdown:
Duck's Phase Model
Intra-psychic phase - private thoughts, pros and cons, "I can't stand this anymore"
Dyadic phase - Dissatisfactions are aired, arguments, "I would be justified in withdrawing"
Social phase - Involved friends and families to gain support, "I mean it"
Grave dressing phase - each partner tries to create a favourable perception, "It's now inevitable"
New: The resurrection phase
- Methodology = retrospective
- Does not explain why they are breaking up
- Real life app: relationship counselling
- Cultural bias to individualistic cultures
Physical attractiveness
Shackleford & Larson - symmetry = good genetic fitness
Neotenous (baby) face - triggers protective instincts (attachment)
Halo effect - attractive people also perceived positively e.g. kind, successful etc (Dion, 1972)
Matching hypothesis suggests we go for people on a similar level. Walster (1966) Computer Dance did not not support the MH. But when ppts selected partner themselves they selected similar attractiveness (Berscheid, 1971)
+ Halo effect: Palmer & Peterson - more attractive = more politically knowledgeable
+ Universal finding of baby face
- Taylor (2011) online dating - people went for most attractive
- Individual differences e.g. Touhey (1979)
Developed due to criticism of SET Fairness rather than profit
Lack of equity if:
Under-benefitting = anger
Over-benefitting = guilt
Perception changes over time
Dealing with inequity: realignment and redistribution (of costs and rewards)
+ Supportive evidence Utne (1984)
- Cultural differences
- Individual differences - benevolents and entitleds
- Does equity change over time in real life?
Reduced cues theory = less SD
Hyper personal theory = more SD
Anonymity: Strangers on a train
Absence of gating
Lack of obstacles to get relationship off the ground
- Not a total lack of cues online just different e.g. emojis
-/+ Ruppel (2017) greater SD in F2F
- Many social networking sites - cannot take nomothetic approach
+ Whitty & Johnson: more SD in CMC as self presentation is manipulated
-/+ Are any relationships just on or just offline?
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