Gender Bias
Bias can lead to misrepresentation
Androcentrism - male dominated
Alpha bias - exaggerating differences e.g. Freud - can devalue one gender
Beta bias - minimising differences e.g. Fight or Flight response - may misrepresent
Is a threat to universality
- Androcentrism in research process
+ Acknowledges differences
- Are males / females different?
- Lack of publication of research which challenges gender bias
Nature v
Nature: biological factors, heredity e.g. Bowlby's evolutionary theory
Nurture: environmental factors e.g. learning theory of attachment
Modern argument is the relative contribution of each
Interactionist approach e.g. Diathesis-Stress Model
+ Empirical evidence - adoption studies
+ Support for epigenetics - sz babies of Dutch Hunger Winter
+ Real world application - mental health disorders
- Hard to disentangle factors of nature & nurture
Ethical implications
Socially sensitive research leads to change in perception of a group
Examples: Burt - IQ tests led to Hadow Report - 11+ exams
Bowlby (theory) - socially sensitive for mothers & fathers
Milgram (study) - socially sensitive for destructive authority
Considerations: Posing research question, dissemination of findings, reflexivity, ethical guidelines
+ Deeper understanding of minority groups
+ Now a greater understanding & only 50% of SSR passes ethics
- In past SSR has led to discrimination (cost v benefit)
- Need to consider who is benefitting from the research
Culture Bias
Bias can lead to misrepresentation
Ethnocentrism - judging other cultures by the standards of one's own culture e.g. Ainsworth.
Imposed etic applying theories/ findings from one culture to other cultures without considering cultural differences.
Cultural relativism - behaviours should be understood within their cultural context e.g. IQ tests
Bias is a threat to Universality​​
+ Psychology recognises it today e.g. 67% of ppts are USA Psychology students
- Hard to operationalise variables when studying another culture
+ Academics are exchanging cultural ideas at conferences
Holism v
Holism - humans should be studied as integrated experience e.g. Humanism, qual. methods
Reductionism - breaking a complex behaviour into component parts
Levels of explanations: different ways behaviour can be understood from the most reductionist to the most holistic.
Biological -lowest level e.g. neurotransmitters: OCD
Environmental - mid level e.g. behaviourism: phobias
Social - highest level e.g. Zimbardo's deindividuation
+ Reductionism = scientific
- Ignores the complexities
+ Holism considers wider context
- Holism is unscientific
Free will v
Determinism - free will = illusion forces outside of your control determine your behaviour
Free will - free choice in behaviour e.g. Humanism
Hard determinism - incompatible with free will e.g. causal explanations
Soft determinism - constrained by forces but element of free will
Biological - innate /genes e.g. OCD high dopamine & low serotonin
Environmental - conditioning by environment e.g. phobias
Psychic - childhood & innate drives e.g. psychodynamic approach
Free Will
+ Face validity
- Libet - evidence to support determinism
+ Consistent with laws of science
- Legal system assumes free will
Idiographic v
Idiographic: focus on the individual. Use of case studies & unstructured interviews etc. Qualitative data.
Example: Case study HM
Nomothetic: concerned with studying large groups to create universal laws. Use of experiments and correlational research.. Quantitative data and statistical analysis to draw conclusions.
Example: Drug treatment OCD
Holt (1967) a combined approach should be used
+ Nomothetic approach, quantitative data, objective findings
- Nomothetic ignores individual differences
+ Idiographic approach: case studies can be a powerful tool
- Idiographic: less scientific
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