The Nervous System
Fast communication system
Central NS - Brain and spinal cord
Peripheral NS - Autonomic (Sympathetic & Parasympathetic NS) & Somatic NS
Autonomic NS - Not under conscious control, unmyelinated neurons, motor pathways only
Somatic NS - Consciously directed movement, myelinated neurons, motor & sensory pathways
Parasympathetic NS - slows down the NS back to rest and digest
Sympathetic NS - prepares the body for fight or flight
The Endocrine System
Slower communication system
Glands released hormones which travel in the bloodstream towards target organs
Hypothalamus controls the endocrine system
Testes - Testosterone - Regulate males sex characteristics
Ovaries - Oestrogen - Regulates menstrual cycle
Adrenal medulla - Adrenaline - Prepares body for fight or flight
Pituitary gland - melatonin - sleep
Hemispheric lateralisation
Each hemisphere dominant for specific functions e.g.. left = lang.
Contralateral control
Sperry (1968) - 11 split brain patients,, epilepsy, corpus callosum severed, divided field method
If info presented to RVF ppts could say it as language centres in LH
If info presented to the LVF cannot say it but can select item with left hand
When shown a nude to RH - giggled but said they did not see anything
Conclusion: LH - language centres RH - emotional & spatial tasks
+ High control
- Low external validity
- Age differences (Szaflarski)
- Modern research disconfirms earlier findings - Case study JW
Circadian Rhythms
Biological rhythm that lasts 24 hrs
e.g. sleep-wake cycle
Endogenous pacemaker (internal mechanism) e.g. SCN
Exogenous zeitgeber (external influences) e.g. light/ dark
SCN sends messages to pineal gland, when dark increase in melatonin = sleepy
Siffre (cave study) - 6 mths, free running cycle 25 hrs
- Methodological limitations (Siffre)
+ Reliable finding: Aschoff & Wever (bunker study), Folkard (sped up clock)
+ Mutant hamster study SCN cells transplanted and developed 20hr cycles
+ Real life application: circadian trough at 6am
- Individual differences (Duffy) Morning larks, nights owls
Structure and function of neurons
All neurons have:
Cell bodies (with a nucleus) - control centre
Dendrites - receive messages from nearby neurons
Axon - transmits the action potential to the axon terminal
Motor - carry info from CNS to effectors, long axons, short dendrites
Relay - carry info between neurons, short axons & dendrites
Sensory - carry info from receptors to CNS, short axons, long dendrites
Fight or Flight Response
NS & endocrine system working together
The amygdala alerts the hypothalamus
This triggers the sympathetic branch of NS (sympathomedullary pathway)
This activates the adrenal medulla to release adrenaline
This prepares the body for fight or flight
When the threat has passed the parasympathetic NS is activated (takes time to return)
- Individual differences: Taylor suggests females tend & befriend
- Incomplete explanation: Gray introduced 'Freeze'
- Unhelpful for today's modern cognitive stressors
Plasticity & Functional Recovery
Plasticity: the brain adapts due to experience
During infancy neural connections grow rapidly
Neural pathways strengthen
Synaptic pruning if not used
e.g. Maguire (taxi)
and learning e.g. Draganski
Functional recovery: recovery after trauma
Neural reorganisation - healthy areas take over damaged areas
Recruitment of homologous areas
Neural regeneration - new neurons/ connections formed
Structural changes e.g. blood vessels & axonal sprouting
+ Golf training 40-60yrs (Bezzola)
+ Maguire - strong evidence +ve correlation: time & size
- Individual differences - more likely recover with more education
- Maladaptive changes e.g. phantom limb syndrome
Infradian & Ultradian Rhythms
Infradian rhythms: last longer than 24 hours e.g. menstrual cycle 28 days. EP = hypothalamus
Rising oestrogen = egg release
Rising progesterone = thick womb
Exogenous Zeitgebers: McClintock & Stern - effects of pheromones in 29 women
SAD: 'Winter blues' may be caused by hormone melatonin
Ultradian rhythms: more than one every 24hrs e.g. sleep stages
Stage 1&2: Light sleep, alpha waves sleep spindles
Stage 3&4: Deep sleep
Stage 5 (REM): Theta waves, dreaming
- Methodology of menstrual cycle studies e,g, confounding variables
+ Evolutionary basis of menstruating together
+ Dement & Kleitman - sleep study
- Individual differences in sleep
Synaptic transmission
The action potential travels down the axon of pre-synaptic neuron
The vesicles migrate and bind to the membrane
Neurotransmitters are released and diffuse across the synapse
They bind to receptors like a lock and key and have inhibitory (IPSP) or excitatory (EPSP) effects
Neurotransmitters are released and are reabsorbed (reuptake) or metabolised (broken down)
Summation - the process of adding together the IPSPs & EPSPs
Localisation of Function
Specific areas of the brain are responsible for specific actions
Opposite is a holistic theory
Frontal lobe - higher order thinking
Motor cortex - motor movement
Temporal lobe - auditory info
Occipital lobe - visual info
Parietal lobe - perception
Somatosensory cortex - info from touch
Broca's area - speech production
Broca's aphasia - speech slow, laborious and lacks fluency
Wernicke's area - language comprehension
Wernicke's aphasia - 'word salad'
- Lashley - holistic theory of equipotentiality (10-50% rats cortex)
- Individual differences: Harasty - women larger Broca's areas
+ HM - hippocampus responsible for transferring STM to LTM
+ Brain scan evidence - episodic memories right / semantic memories left pre frontal cortex
Ways of Studying the Brain
AO1 fMRI: detects changes in blood deoxygenation, 3D images
AO3 + High spatial res
- low temporal res & costly
AO1 EEG: Measures electrical activity using nodes, brain wave patterns
AO3 + High temporal res
- Low spatial resolution
AO1 ERP: Like EEG but statistical analysis to just leave the response to the stimulus
AO3 + High temporal res & more specific info
- Lack of standardisation
AO1 Post mortem: Study brain after death, compare to a neuro typical brain
AO3 + Medical research, historically useful e.g. Broca, Wernicke
+ Correlational data & ethics
Endogenous Pacemakers & Exogenous Zeitgebers
EP: SCN bundle of nerve fibres, regulates sleep
Ralph (1990) Mutant hamster study SCN cells transplanted and developed 20hr cycles
DeCoursey (2000) SCN cells destroyed of wild chipmunks, many killed within 80 days
EZ: external factors - entrain EPs
Light major EZ: Campbell & Murphy - light to ppt legs in night
Social cues e.g. meals
De-synchronisation - EP is not in time with EZ e.g. jet lag
- Issues - animal extrapolation
- Lack of replication of C&M
- Contradictory research of EZ - Miles blind man 25hr cycle
- Innuit Indians in Arctic circle have consistent sleep patterns
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